I just wanted to let you know about my LIVE courses for September and October!
1. Visual Skills and Impact on Learning will be presented LIVE this thursday (September 16th from 7-9pmEST). You do receive the on-demand version if you purchase the LIVE version as well. The link to register is: https://sensationalbrain.com/shop/ceu/featured/register-visual-perception/
2. Primitive Reflexes will be LIVE on September 21st from 4-6pm EST. The link to register is: https://sensationalbrain.com/shop/ceu/featured/live-primitive-reflexes-screening/
3. Gwen Wild and I will be co-presenting OUR NEW COURSE called: OT’s Role in Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) on October 6th from 7-9pm. The link is not quite ready but I will update you when it comes out!
The description is:
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is essential to human development and helps create a positive learning environment for all students. Many school districts are establishing systemic, schoolwide approaches to SEL. Therefore, it is important for school-based occupational therapy practitioners to understand their role in implementing SEL within therapy sessions or as members of the school team. This 2 hour webinar will provide you with specific strategies to address SEL.
4. MY NEW COURSE: "COVID Slide":OT Strategies to Overcome Regression After COVID will be Tuesday October 12th from 7-9pm
The description is:
COVID Slide is a term used to express the expected level of regression due to remote learning and students’ absences during the COVID pandemic. School professionals around the country foresee a significant regression in social-emotional and fine motor skills, sensory functioning, and so much more! This 2-hour webinar reviews how occupational therapy practitioners can embed strategies into the classroom that align with their districts’ Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) to help our children succeed and avoid regression.
I hope to see many of you there! If you register please make sure to say hello!!!! :)