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NEW On-Demand COURSE available through Hands on Approaches! 
FREE downloadable version of JUST Right! included
JUST RIGHT! Setting the Foundation for Social and Emotional Learning through Sensory Modulation and More

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is essential to human development and helps create a positive learning environment for all students.  Many school districts are establishing systemic, schoolwide approaches to SEL. This course will review how to address SEL with students that have central nervous system disorders and sensory modulation issues through the 3 tiers of Response to Intervention.

Sensory modulation is seen as a component of emotional regulation and social-emotional learning and it is critical for academic and social success. Research shows that sensory modulation is a skill that can be taught. This course will review the evidence supporting instruction in sensory modulation and basic concepts and terminology to be used in this instruction. Participants will practice and learn how to use the lessons from Just Right! A Sensory Modulation Curriculum for K-5 with hands-on activities and video demonstrations.

You will receive a free digital version of the curriculum and will reference it throughout the course. Please make sure to have the LIST of supplies available in order to participate in the HANDS-ON activities! 

MIX & MATCH Webinar Topics to Create a LIVE  "in person" COURSE

for your Company or School District (contact Kim for details)

The following courses are available as On Demand Webinars (click on title to register)

 Sensory modulation is critical for academic and social success.Research shows that modulation is a skill that can be taught. When viewed within a larger educational framework, sensory modulation is seen as a component of emotional regulation and social-emotional learning. This FREE, 1-hour webinar covers the evidence supporting instruction in sensory modulation, basic concepts and terminology to be used in this instruction, and a specific curriculum available to ensure success in this endeavor.

NEW: OT’s Role in Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

As a telehealth therapist, how many times have you said, “My students are a no-show” or “I can’t get them to pay attention!” When your students are highly engaged, they look forward to your sessions and stay engaged the entire time! This webinar provides specific strategies for engaging your students, using green screens, PowerPoints, and much more! Demonstrations, examples, and FREEBIES are provided! Strategies are discussed for engaging students with moderate to severe disabilities.

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is essential to human development, and helps create a positive learning environment for all students.  Many school districts are establishing systemic, schoolwide approaches to SEL. Therefore, it is important for school-based occupational therapy practitioners to understand their role in implementing SEL within therapy sessions or as members of the school team.   This 2 hour webinar will provide you with specific strategies to address SEL.

Push-in to the classroom is an evidenced-based and effective treatment strategy for OTs, PTs, and SLPs. Because of multiple barriers, therapists are often more comfortable providing pull-out therapy sessions. In this 2-hour course, the speaker includes research review, push-in and distance-learning strategies, and a discussion of the benefits of carryover and collaboration strategies.

Also available at Hands on Approaches

Collaboration is essential in providing occupational therapy services in school systems. Although pull-out sessions can be effective, pushing into the classroom and collaboration is the new norm. A huge barrier to push-in sessions is TIME! This course reviews how to determine dosage/frequencies, strategies for using your time efficiently, research, and case studies that support increased collaboration in school systems.

Also, available at Hands on Approaches

Every year, students exhibit increased challenges! The addition of school-wide movement initiatives, such as motor labs and sensory paths, can promote skills needed for learning.  This course reviews the research to encourage using school-wide movement initiatives. It also provides specific strategies for adding motor labs and sensory paths into your school environment.

Also available at Hands on Approaches

The webinar will include cheap and easy adaptations and techniques that can be used in the classroom, home, or therapy to help with:

  • Posture

  • Shoulder Stability  

  • Bilateral Coordination  

  • Hand Dominance

  • Wrist Extension

  • Grip 

​Participants will learn cheap and easy adaptations and techniques that can be used in the classroom, home, or therapy. 

Chromebooks in 
Special Education

Google Chromebooks can be an excellent assistive technology tool for students with special needs. This course reviews a variety of strategies that can be used as a compensation technique when a student has difficulty functioning in a classroom setting.

Also available at Hands on Approaches

Goal writing can be time consuming and difficult to complete for therapists. This webinar will teach you a step by step process how to write functional goals for students in the school setting.

This two-hour course will provide you with a screening process to determine if a student is exhibiting retained primitive reflexes. It will also provide you with compensation techniques and treatment strategies to help integrate each reflex explained.

This course is now 3 hours on Sensational Brain and titled "Visual Skills and their impact on learning." However, the 2-hour version is available through Hands on Approaches HERE. Both courses include easy-to-understand explanations of the visual system and lots of FREE resources. The webinars are worth 0.2 or 0.3 AOTA CEU contact hours.

Handwriting skills on the iPad will be reviewed, including apps to teach handwriting and how to use the iPad as a modification for students that have difficulty with handwriting.

The 3-hour webinar will include cheap and easy adaptations and techniques that can be used in the classroom, at home, or therapy room. It will also include FREE resources and question-and-answer time.



The apps that will be discussed will be related to: organization skills for students and therapists, behaviors and rewards, sensory, fine motor, and visual perception. This webinar is chock full of resources!!!

Also available at Sensational Brain

Strategies reviewed include screenings, evaluations, frequency recommendations, IEP/504 documentation, goals, assistive technology, intervention plans, progress notes, and daily notes. Helpful forms included with your purchase to make your job easier right away!

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I am proud to distribute my courses through 2 great companies! Please click on their names for more information!

Sensational Brain

Hands on Aproaches





1-3 hour Webinars are available ON DEMAND or LIVE

© 2016-2023 Kim Wiggins

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